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Emergency Services jobs in Montclair, VA
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Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
15 hit(s)
REQUISITION NUMBER: 112806 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety (FAS) to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit ..
Last verified - 943 day(s) 23 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
14 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 95515 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit the ..
Last verified - 1175 day(s) 18 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
11 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 98451 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety (FAS) to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit ..
Last verified - 1146 day(s) 4 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
11 hit(s)
REQUISITION NUMBER: 113699 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit the ..
Last verified - 943 day(s) 22 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
Silver Spring
23 hit(s)
REQUISITION NUMBER: 114299 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit the ..
Last verified - 943 day(s) 18 hour(s) ago
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Training and Compliance Instructor - First Aid and Safety
23 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 95426 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a professional for our Training and Compliance Instructor - First Aid and Safety. Responsibilities include facilitating training courses and instruction on OSHA, First Aid, CPR, and other safety topics; selling and scheduling training; up-selling safety and first aid products to our training customers; and working with the ..
Last verified - 1176 day(s) 20 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
20 hit(s)
REQUISITION NUMBER: 111463 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit the customer ..
Last verified - 943 day(s) 20 hour(s) ago
Fire Service Technician
26 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 94021 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Extinguisher Technician for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include servicing, repairing and maintaining the portable fire equipment and emergency exit lighting systems of our established customer base upon completion of our training program. This includes leveraging our industry-leading expertise for systems testing ..
Last verified - 1176 day(s) 23 hour(s) ago
Fire Sprinkler Systems Inspector
17 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 94019 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Sprinkler Systems Inspector for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include inspecting, testing and performing system checks in accordance to fire code; identifying code and system deficiencies and preparing accurate and timely inspection reports. SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS Required *High School Diploma/GED *Valid driver's license *Ability ..
Last verified - 1176 day(s) 23 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
18 hit(s)
REQUISITION NUMBER: 115352 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety (FAS) to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit ..
Last verified - 936 day(s) 4 hour(s) ago
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