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Fire Service Technician - Sprinkler Systems Inspector
Deerfield Beach
22 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 91967 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Service Technician - Sprinkler Systems Inspector for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include inspecting, testing and performing system checks in accordance to fire code; identifying code and system deficiencies and preparing accurate and timely inspection reports. SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS Required *High School Diploma/GED *Valid ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 8 hour(s) ago
Fire Sprinkler Systems Inspector
Fort Myers
13 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 91709 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Sprinkler Systems Inspector for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include inspecting, testing and performing system checks in accordance to fire code; identifying code and system deficiencies and preparing accurate and timely inspection reports. SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS Required *High School Diploma/GED *Valid driver's license *Ability ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 8 hour(s) ago
Fire Alarm Systems Inspector
17 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 92394 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Alarm Systems Inspector for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include inspecting and testing fire alarm systems to the prescribed standards; system checks in accordance to fire code; identifying code and system deficiencies; and preparing accurate and timely inspection reports. SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS Required ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 7 hour(s) ago
Fire Service Technician Alarm Systems Repair & RUTI
Fort Myers
12 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 94849 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Alarm Systems Repair Technician for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include servicing fire alarm systems to the prescribed standards; performing on-site emergency troubleshooting; programming and repairs of our customers fire alarm systems; identifying code and non-conformance issues; and preparing accurate and ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 5 hour(s) ago
Fire Service Technician - Alarm Systems
Deerfield Beach
17 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 90976 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Service Technician - Alarm Systems for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include inspecting and testing fire alarm systems to the prescribed standards; system checks in accordance to fire code; identifying code and system deficiencies; and preparing accurate and timely inspection reports. ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 3 hour(s) ago
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Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
11 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 90371 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety (FAS) to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 3 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
8 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 93497 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit the ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 1 hour(s) ago
Customer Service Representative - Fire Service Technician - Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fort Myers
12 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 89335 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Customer Service Representative - Fire Service Technician - Fire Suppression Systems to provide outstanding customer service to both our internal partners and our customers through various activities using knowledge of Alarm Systems or Sprinkler Systems. Responsibilities include answering customer calls; data entry; assisting in account reconciliation; ..
Last verified - 1163 day(s) 1 hour(s) ago
Fire Alarm Systems Inspector
West Jacksonville
13 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 95361 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Fire Alarm Systems Inspector for our Fire Protection business. Responsibilities include inspecting and testing fire alarm systems to the prescribed standards; system checks in accordance to fire code; identifying code and system deficiencies; and preparing accurate and timely inspection reports. SKILLS/QUALIFICATIONS Required ..
Last verified - 1161 day(s) 23 hour(s) ago
Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety
4 hit(s)
Requisition Number: 93130 JOB DESCRIPTION Cintas is seeking a Service Sales Representative - First Aid and Safety to sell and service customers in a manner which exceeds their expectations. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining relationships with customers; replacing used and/or outdated products; servicing any safety equipment that requires periodic maintenance; and up-selling products that will benefit the ..
Last verified - 1161 day(s) 23 hour(s) ago
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