Take Small Actions and Meet Others |
By: Harrison Barnes |
EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of going out of your way to meet people.
Harrison talks at length on one of the key secrets to making your own destiny. The act of taking initiative and meeting people can massively change the course of your life. It may seem like a small and insignificant thing you have done, but it could just turn out to be the biggest step you have ever taken towards making your own destiny.
Meeting people should be taken in a positive light. You should not take it personally if the person you meet does not react in a positive manner. All you have to do is to move on and keep meeting others, and you never know – you might just be speaking to that one person who is going to lead you to success or who is going to rule out your future in a very big way.
Harrison strongly believes that destiny is something which you design on your own. If you are withdrawn and remain in a shell, you might be missing out on great opportunities that could change your life, career, or your destiny. Things happen with people who take action, who connect. Small meetings with people, short conversations, or even little moments, should not be seen as unimportant. These are the things which invariably control your life, who you become, and what you do. |