Your Job is About the Transference Energy |
By: Harrison Barnes |
EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of ‘energy’ over technical skills.
When people are hiring you they are purchasing your “energy” more than they are purchasing your technical skills. They are interested in your ability to influence the world around you through your energy.
The entire economic system and our jobs are based on the transference of energy. The idea of the transference of energy and the impact of energy on the world and our lives and careers is something that can impact everything that happens to us. Understanding your role in the energy transference chain is extremely important. The more promise of future energy you hold, the more employable you are.
When you are marketing yourself and seeking a job, or working in a job, there are essentially two things you are marketing. You are marketing your technical skills, but more importantly you are marketing an intangible sort of energy. You need to be conscious of the energy you project and do everything within your power to cultivate positive energy and a positive aura that makes people want to work with you and hire you. Having the right aura and energy can make a gigantic difference e in whether you ultimately succeed or fail.
The most successful people have mastered the art of projecting positive energy. You need to cultivate, project and display positive energy. The better your energy, the more employable you will be and the farther you will go. |