You Need to Be Able to Close |
By: Harrison Barnes |
EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes explains why the ability to close a sale is the most important skill in selling. Many people may get consumers interested in their products and lead them to the edge of making the sale, but it is the final push where the customer makes the actual purchasing decision which is the most important.
Similarly it is good to be able to secure an interview, but what actually counts is the ability to push the employer to make the final hiring decision.
Harrison emphasizes that in seeking a job as in any business, all that actually counts is the ability to close the deal. While it’s easy to get in the door anywhere, that is just 1% of the job. Without the ability close the deal, you will be relegated to the sidelines and never get a chance to be hired.
Harrison believes that there are a million possible closing techniques ranging from using the power of money and the power of issuing a deadline to identifying with a particular cause that is important to the employer. However, Harrison feels that all of us have this ability which is quite instinctual. All you need to do is tap into this ability and push employers that extra bit to ensure you get the job. |