Hound finds 'Hidden Jobs'
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Bristol, TN

We offer a limited number of mini-pupillages throughout the year. They are an opportunity for applicants to experience all elements of life at the Bar in Bristol. Mini-pupils will have the opportunity to shadow members in chambers in court and during conferences. We invite applicants to inform us of their practice area preferences, although as a busy mixed set, mini-pupils may be invited to attend hearings of any kind. Mini-pupils will also meet multiple barristers and clerks, and will be able to ask any questions about the profession and about pupillage at Queen Square.
Applications are assessed on their academic ability, demonstration of the skills required to succeed as a Barrister, and enthusiasm for potential practice in Bristol and / or at **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***.
We are only able to accommodate mini-pupils over the age of 18, and welcome applications from those who have started higher education and beyond. Mini-pupillages are neither assessed nor a pre-requisite to any future pupillage application.
Due to the number of applications, we cannot offer feedback to unsuccessful applicants, however, we endeavour to inform all applicants of the outcome of their application as soon as possible.
We offer 3-4 mini pupillages each season, with the following deadlines:
Applications for mini-pupillages taking place between January and March 2025 should be submitted by 31 October 2024.
Applications for mini-pupillages taking place between April and June 2025 should be submitted by 28th February 2025.
Applications for mini-pupillages taking place between July and September 2025 should be submitted by 31st May 2025.
Applications should be made by way of the
linked Google Form
Please also complete the
 Equality and Diversity Monitoring Google Form
Any responses to the E&D form are voluntary, and will not be linked to the substantive application.
If there are any issues with the above links, or if you have any questions, please contact **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***

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