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Job Title
summer associates


Job Description
Applications for the Summer Associates Class of 2025 are now closed.
McAndrews’ successful summer associates program for 1Ls and 2Ls is essential to the firm’s growth. Over 40 percent of the firm’s current shareholders and partners began their careers with us as summer associates. Each year, the program attracts some of the nation’s brightest IP and technology law students, all of whom possess engineering, science, or technical degrees in addition to their legal education.
The firm is committed to challenging our summer associates to provide them with tangible experiences that broaden their knowledge in the field, sharpen their skills, and strengthen their decision-making abilities. Each summer associate is matched with two attorneys – an associate and a partner or shareholder – who serve as helpful resources throughout the program. This facilitates both hands-on learning and mentoring. Also, as a part of our summer associates program, the firm offers its Diversity in Patent Law Fellowship, the Abbott-McAndrews Diversity Internship, and the George P. McAndrews Technical Fellowship.
Summer associates at McAndrews also enjoy several informal social activities, including baseball games, attorney-clerk dinners at some of Chicago’s premier restaurants, various theater productions, and top-rated Chicago tours. These activities allow associates to network with senior attorneys in a relaxed environment outside the office, allowing them to connect on a more personal level.
McAndrews is an equal opportunity employer and does not make employment decisions, including but not limited to those regarding this position, based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability status, age, or any other category protected by federal, state, or local law.
Please direct all other inquiries to:
Human Resources
(312) 775.8192
[email protected]

Last verified - 1 day(s) 11 hour(s) ago   [What does Last Verified mean?]

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