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Job Title
Summer Associates


Job Description
The Summer Associate Program at Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP trains and mentors some of the legal profession’s most talented future trial lawyers. Since 2003, we have welcomed summer associates into an environment that encourages collegiality, integrity and advocacy at its best.
How the Program Works
Each fall, we invite talented second-year law students to participate in an intensive 10-week Summer Associate Program at our Chicago office. Candidates undergo a rigorous and highly selective interview process. We select summer associates based on their outstanding scholarship and character, proven leadership and interpersonal skills, dedicated development of advocacy and trial skills, and passionate commitment to trial work.
Summer associates become part of the team at Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP. Mentors include partners and associates who provide personal guidance for each summer associate while they work on various projects with attorneys across multiple practice areas. Derived from our full-time associate review process, summer associates receive a mid-summer and end-of-summer review tracking their progress. We also encourage summer associates to join the firm’s social activities, such as intramural sports teams, cocktail receptions, formal dinners, and memorable summer program events.
Gain Valuable Experience
Summer associates receive daily opportunities to acquire hands-on trial skills that may include:
Conducting legal and medical research
Drafting all varieties of motions, memoranda of law, correspondence, motions in limine, jury instructions, reports, case evaluations and articles
Interacting with clients and opposing counsel
Appearing for proceedings in state and federal court
Assisting with and sitting in on depositions
Preparing for, participating in and observing trials
If you would like to apply to our Summer Associates Program,
click here.
For more information, please send an e-mail to Troy M. Sphar at **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***.
St. Louis
Madison County
Kansas City

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