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Job Title
Criminal Defense Attorney


Job Description
Experience in handling a high volume of cases

Ability to work independently and in a team environment

Familiarity with Westlaw and LexisNexis

Prior experience in a private law firm preferred

Law Firm seeks Criminal Defense Attorney with 3 years of experience in Colorado

H1: Join Our Team as a Criminal Defense Attorney in Downtown Colorado Springs
H2: Why Choose Robinson & Henry?

- Highly reputable and fast-growing law firm
- Specializing in criminal defense
- Strong commitment to excellence
- Exceptional legal services to clients
- Supportive and collaborative work environment
- Passionate and dynamic career opportunity
- Skilled and experienced attorney sought
- Opportunity to handle diverse cases
- Make a positive impact on clients' lives
- Fast-paced and deadline-driven environment
- Exceptional attention to detail required
- Outstanding communication skills valued
- Teamwork and collaboration essential
- Prioritizes work-life balance
- Offers flexible working options
- Competitive salary and benefits package
- Recognition and rewards for hard work
- 3 years of experience in criminal defense required
- Active admission to Colorado bar
- Strong writing and verbal communication skills
- Ability to handle multiple competing priorities
- Customer service mindset
- Focus on providing exceptional client experiences
- Strong references attesting to expertise and professionalism
- Experience in handling high volume of cases preferred
- Ability to work independently and in a team environment
- Familiarity with Westlaw and LexisNexis
- Prior experience in private law firm preferred

Salary Information: The salary for this position ranges from $125,000 to $275,000, depending on experience and qualifications.

Job Title: Criminal Defense Attorney

Experience Information: 3 years of experience in criminal defense and active admission to the Colorado bar are required for this position. Prior experience in a private law firm is preferred.

Last verified - 0 day(s) 13 hour(s) ago   [What does Last Verified mean?]

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Colorado Springs, CO

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