Job Description
We place a great emphasis on our summer program, as we believe it is our best source of recruiting talented new associates. Our goal is to offer permanent employment to every summer associate who produces a good work product and with whom we develop a good working relationship, and when the firm has a hiring need. Therefore, we are very selective in the summer associate recruiting process, and we are conservative in the number of summer associates who join us each summer. Our summer associate program is reserved for students who have completed their second year of law school. We do allow students to split their summer with another firm or organization. However, we ask that students who choose to split their summer spend at least the first several weeks of the summer with us. Our summer associates are assigned projects that give broad exposure to the firm’s practice areas and provide an opportunity to work with as many of our lawyers as possible. In addition to engaging in the “traditional” areas of legal research and writing, summer associates also are encouraged to attend depositions, conferences, trials, hearings, appellate arguments, closings, negotiations and other activities that may be of interest to them. We also plan a variety of social events to allow our summer associates to get to know us in an informal setting, and showcase the recreational and cultural opportunities of the Richmond metropolitan area. We believe that personal attention is an important element of the summer associate experience. Accordingly, each of our summer associates is assigned a “mentor” and a “reader” to help throughout the summer. The mentor is generally a young associate with whom the summer associate can feel comfortable discussing any questions or concerns in a candid manner. The reader is usually a more senior attorney whose task is to give the summer associate constructive feedback regarding his or her written work. Additionally, summer associates receive direct feedback from the assigning lawyer with whom they work on projects. Applying for a position in our summer program: We hire our summer associates from on-campus interviewing and reviewing cover letters and resumes students send directly to us. We are scheduled to conduct the following interviews in the Fall: Washington and Lee University School of Law William & Mary School of Law University of Richmond School of Law University of Virginia School of Law We accept resumes from any law student who contacts us directly. All inquiries may be addressed to: