published September 3, 2013

You Can Increase Productivity on Your Floor – 4 Quick Steps

You Can Increase Productivity on Your Floor – 4 Quick Steps
How do you do that? No, paying more is not the right answer. Monetary rewards work just so much; afterwards they are counterproductive. The employee would not work unless he is paid more. Hence, you need to find ways to get your boys (and girls) give you all they have. Here are a few excellent methods that will always work wonders:
  1. Identify and promote employees who deliver without expectation for reward - In every office there will be people who polish the apple, and very often they get away with it because of the continuous self-promotion and ingratiating behavior they exhibit. However, if you want to promote a work culture in your office, pass over these people and reward those who work without demanding or expecting rewards. Very soon, you will have an excellent work culture where everyone (or almost everyone) gives their best to the organization.
  2. Always lead by example - It is easy to say, 'Nothing is impossible.' Show it to your workers and earn their respect. If there is a difficult negotiation, take over and get it done; if there is a recalcitrant customer, pick up the phone and calm him down; do it yourself before you demand the "impossible" from your employees. When you do this, your employees will also develop the "I have to find a way to do this!" attitude.
  3. Welcome change - The greatest enemy of productivity is the fear of change. If your employees fear change, they will never adapt to new technology to do better. They will find ways to stay put and fight improvements, technology, innovations with grit and determination. To welcome change ensure that your employees are aware at every step what they should expect. Always highlight the advantages and develop a culture where change is the rule not exception.
  4. Eliminate monotony - Rotate jobs as much as possible. Add new dimension to a job specification; keep your employees on their toes. No sooner than monotony sets in, productivity will fall. Ensure that you keep the interest of your employees alive by shifting them laterally and vertically wherever possible. In this way they become multi-skilled and thy will never have a bored day at work in their life.

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