published August 19, 2013

6 Tips to Ensure That Your Best Talent Is Retained

6 Tips to Ensure That Your Best Talent Is Retained
  1. Respect Your Employees - If you want the best, remember not to run them into the ground every time you find the chance to do it. Respect their opinion and respect them as people. In 90% of cases, the best talent left because they felt they were valued as employees first, and human beings second.
  2. Pay Adequately - It is true that money is not always the motivating factor. However, what you pay indicates how you value your employee. Hence, a tiny salary means little regard for the employee. Pay your employees at par with the best in the market. They will fight to stay in.
  3. Provide Scope and Means for Professional Growth - Make training a continuous process at your work place. Have your HR department provide enough avenues for professional development and growth for every area in your company. The more your employees learn, the better they will perform, and the higher the moral within the organization will be.
  4. Segregate Work Hours from Personal Time - It is very important that your employees do not feel hounded by work at home. Weekends and other holidays are for the family, not for office work, and every employee and supervisor should know that. There should not be any pressure to work over weekends or holidays at any time. Many employees leave because they feel that their bosses do not allow them enough family time.
  5. Communication Is a Two-Way Channel - Give continuous feedback to your employees. Let them know where you feel they lack and where they are excellent according to the management. You will be surprised how many people have no clue about this. Make it easy for the employee to come to you with suggestions, questions, comments etc. They should be able to freely express their expectations, needs, and requirements both at home and the work place freely.
  6. The Work Should Be Adequate - 'Adequate' is a very vital word. If you do not keep your employee engaged, they will lose interest in work and production will fall. If you give them too much to do they will get frustrated and leave. It is very important to find that middle ground and balance work with the ability of the employee to deliver.

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