Summary: Fear will often quietly creep up on you after you enjoy a moment of success in your career, but it can be overcome with these simple steps.
Think back to the last time you achieved something great. Perhaps you published a book, started a new business, or earned a promotion. That moment of celebration was an all-time high, but soon after, you probably started questioning yourself. You may start wondering if you can handle the new job or if it was just luck that you got it in the first place. These feelings of insecurity often come because we feel the success is undeserved or only temporary. Here are three tips to help us remember that we deserve our success and worked hard for it.
Stay open to feedback
Be open to growth and change so your ego doesn’t get in the way. If the promotion was to management, ask those that report to you how you are doing. Your continued success in the position mostly relies on how others feel about your abilities.
Check in with yourself daily
Give yourself a little pep talk every morning to make sure that your goals are the same as the company's goals. Aligning yourself with the company’s mission will help protect your job from self-sabotage. Letting your success become destructive is common unless you keep yourself in check.
Think about your fear
Take time to meditate on your fear to understand what about it is causing anxiety. Encourage yourself to move past this fear so that it doesn’t affect your personal life and relationships. Self-critical thoughts occur for everyone, so being able to push them aside and see your talents is important for your continued success.