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Career Feature

Ways to Find HR Jobs

 Dated: 07-26-2010

If you are looking for a variety of positions or wondering about various types of employment, you should know that some of these include HR jobs.

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Statistics on Human Resources Positions

If you are specifically looking for HR employment, you will be happy to know that this profession is growing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics human resources employment is expected to grow 22 percent through the year 2018, so if you are looking for work and have the experience, you will undoubtedly find work.

Work for HR managers are a but more competitive simply because in order to gain management work, you will be expected to have many years experience in the human resources field.

Earning Potential

The earnings of HR jobs vary considerably depending where you live and where what part of the country you are applying. Obviously, you will make more money if you are working in San Diego, California than if you are working in Portales, New Mexico. Of course, you have to take in the cost of living because it cost much more to live in San Diego than it does in Portales. Knowing this helps in understanding what you can expect to make, because it various based on your location.

Learning How to Find Jobs

In order to advance your HR career, you must know how to prepare and where to find the best jobs for your skill level. The key is not looking on the major job boards, these are very ineffective and more than not, you spend hours upon hours applying for positions that thousands of others have also applied for. You become one in many and there is no way for you to truly shine.

It is truly a waste of your time and effort to apply to one job that everyone else is applying. Remember, if thousands of people apply for one single position, how likely are you to receive a call back? In addition, if you only apply to those jobs that have been advertised, you are also shooting yourself in the foot, so to speak. If you see the job posting, thousands of others did as well.

Therefore, when you set out to find HR jobs, you should make certain the site you are using actually specializes in this area. You don't want to go to a site that has all their jobs lumped together so that you are spending hours just finding work your qualify for, this is time that could be spent actually applying for jobs your qualify for.

Benefits ofFinding Jobs Not Advertised

On sites such as hound.com, you are actually finding positions that are not massively advertised on public job boards. Your chances of gaining personnel employment increases when you apply for positions that thousands of others have not seen. Companies that want to be very selective use sites such as hound.com in order to find the best candidates rather than having thousands of resumes in their database.

There are HR jobs available and it is a growing profession, the key is knowing where to find the best jobs posted by employers who are actually seeking employers.


Make sure you are prepared for your interviews and job searching. For instance, make sure your resume is not only presentable but provides your most valued achievements under all the positions you have held. Make certain your resume is no longer than three pages and do not use a generic cover letter for each position you apply. Tweak the cover letter so that it comes across very personalized to the reader.

Make sure you dress the part. If you are applying for human resources work, you need to make sure you are in proper business attire for each and every interview. In the same vein, make sure you show up early to your interviews, the way to make a very bad impression is showing up late. You can be sure you blew any future interviews if you show up late.

Final Thoughts

Finally, you can find thousands of job listings on Hound.com. In fact, right now we have a free trial to help get you started on finding your next dream job! The site is literally your one-stop job site in order to get all job seeking needs met.

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