Along with the usual job seeking services one would expect from any government operated site, it also includes services which aid the job seeker in finding an Appointment, information for self employed, information for those seeking employment within the UK from overseas, finding child care and advice for people in all situations pre-career mid-career and retirement.
Initially Jobs Centre Plus had all of its services in a single site but some rearrangement has been done and job seekers now access the Direct Gov website while employers have another site to post jobs or positions online.
How to Access Jobs Centre Plus
Jobs Centre Plus has a website of course and any citizen or interested party can enter the website and search the jobs database as they wish. Moreover the contact information for some employers is openly available so there is no need to go through an employee but the job seeker can contact the employer directly. In some cases there is no contact information which indicates the employer wants the job seeker pre-screened and contacting an employee is necessary.
There is also a mobile phone website where users accessing the search site can do so through their mobile phone.
Job searches can be conducted through touch screen points available at local Job Centres throughout the UK. This makes the database available to citizens without internet access.
How to Get Started With Jobs Centre Plus
Jobseekers may have needs in addition to merely finding employment. Such things as childcare figure largely in a parent’s ability to accept and maintain employment. The Jobs Centre Plus database also includes listings for child care by the area. The jobseeker can simply input “need childcare in xxxx area” into the database and find providers nearby.
Searching the database of jobs is relatively easy and can be as detailed or as simple as the jobseeker requires. For instance if a person were seeking employment as a “mechanic” and did not care about hours or other things they would simply Employment tab, the Looking for Work in the menu and then click on find a job now. There will be a search box on the page where they can input the type of job and the location of the employment. A list of all jobs meeting their specifications in area and type of employment would then show up.
Advanced searches are for those who are seeking employment with specific requirements in mind. In the same way as the general job search a type of employment is chosen, then part time or full time or less than 16 hours per week. The distance from the area you selected can also be chosen through the advanced menu from very close within a 2 km or so to within 50 km or more of that area. If transportation is a problem then this might be the ideal way to ensure the job search is within an area you can reach.
Jobseekers who are having trouble finding employment may want to also avail themselves of the Job Coach which can help indicate if their career is a growing field or if they should seek additional credentials or even if they are in University perhaps change their area of major studies.
Registering at Jobs Centre Plus
If you are merely searching the database of the site for employment site registration is not required. However, by registering you can save your search criteria. If your job search is unsuccessful the first time you may wish to save your searches and try again another day. This feature will save everything you have defined for job searches such as area, hours, or job title.
Helps For Persons With Disabilities
Persons with disabilities will also find help, advice and support in the job seeking enterprise at Jobs Centre Plus. There are listings of disability friendly employers, Disability employment advisor referrals persons who need special coaching in employment may find this useful.
Volunteer Work
Volunteers are a vital part of the nation and community and the Job Centre helps connect those seeking to volunteer services or time with organizations that need that help.
In addition, due to the reorganization, services such as online tax filing, benefits and pension advice and calculation can be accessed from a menu on the left without ever leaving the Job Centre Plus site making it useful to almost every citizen.
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