If you receive an email about a ''job'' that is poorly written, misspelled, and/or just sound strange, chances are that it is a scam. Also, watch for emails that the ''employer'' explains that they are out of the country, or wants to involve a third-party member. And be leery about odd email addresses that present employment opportunities to you. Most reputable companies will not use email addresses like Hotmail or Gmail.
If It Seems Too Good to Be True
What's that old saying, ''if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's most likely a duck''? The old adage holds true for job scams. If the offer seems just too good to be true, it most likely is. Listen to your instincts, and be realistic. If you have no experience in a field, but you receive an email offer for a high-salaried position in that same field, then it most likely is a scam.
Hold onto Your Money
While many legitimate job boards require a small fee to join, a real job offer should never require you to send payment upfront.
Do Your Research
If you find an opportunity that you want to look into, do your homework before proceeding. Look at the business/company's website, and call their human resource department. You can also research their business history or contact the Better Business Bureau.
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