Think about all significant situations and events that ever happened in your life. These can be some very good topics or ideas for you to work on, many writers find it very easy and rewarding to write about personal experience, or about things that they can relate to themselves. So give it a thought, you might be surprised with how easy it is to come up with many writing ideas this way.
Have some good discussion with people who can provide you with some good writing ideas, unfortunately that usually don't happen to you right? But sometimes even some of the silliest and pointless things that you and friends talk about can possibly turn into actual ideas.
Create a list of things that you feel you have good knowledge or decent understanding with, and pick out the ones you feel you can possibly write about. Identify subjects in which you are interested. It assumes that you know your interests subconsciously but may not be able to identify them consciously, and it assumes that you can bring your interests into consciousness by writing about them (as writing equals thinking).
Do number of free writings, you may find that you have come back to certain subjects again and again. Repeated subjects are good for further development through writing, as they obviously are important in your thoughts.
Brainstorming is also a good technique to use when you know a general subject you're interested in writing about but don't exactly know what aspect of the subject you want to pursue. Brainstorming is like a stream-of-consciousness technique in which you rapidly record all ideas related to a general subject. All ideas are equally acceptable; the purpose of brainstorming is to identify as many ideas related to the subject as possible.
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