Many feel that a cover letter actually obscures the brilliantness of a great resume or CV. Is that right? Experts say exactly the opposite, i.e. no matter how great your CV is, a well written cover letter will always add value to it. Here are 5 reasons why your resume should go with a cover letter for that very coveted job:
It Shows That You Take the Job Application Seriously - It is not like you are just throwing one of your 50 already printed CVs for the recruiter to peruse. A cover letter says you are taking it seriously enough to explain the recruiter why you feel you are best for the job.
It Gives You a Great Platform to Showcase Your Strengths - You can use the cover letter to highlight the best points in your CV, i.e. your achievements, your talents, and your top competencies.
It Sells Your Positive Points Quickest - Normally a recruiter will give each CV about 20 seconds of scan reading time. In this brief time he will decide whether the person will be called for the interview or not. The cover letter will let the recruiter know your best positive points in less than 10 seconds and make you more likely to be selected.
Puts You in a Better Light - The fact that the cover letter describes how you are best matched to the job and company shows that you have done your homework and that you are a "doer". Most recruiters will appreciate that you have done your homework.
It Gives You the Chance to Stand Out - Most people still send the CVs just as they are. When you attach a cover letter - and it is a well written one - you stand out in the crowd and have a better chance to attract and hold the attention of the recruiter long enough to appreciate your fit to the job and call you for the interview.
Give the Employer a Chance to Make a First Impression - The way you write the cover letter and what you write in the cover letter will help make a first impression in the mind of the employer. Worded right, the cover letter can act as a passport for the interview.
Makes Your CV More Attractive - The cover letter will highlight certain aspects in your CV that shows a recruiter that you are the best fit for the job. This will whet the appetite of the recruiter to learn more about your strengths and increase your chance of being shortlisted for an interview.